Friday, March 18, 2005

The Grey Matter and the Hare

You've read enough about my mind, least I believe you have, it's morbid and frankly is gawd damn annoying.

This was an idea for a post back about two months ago, but at that stage I was still very anti-blog like.

During one of my few Saturday trips through town, parked at the same set of traffic lights as all the other times something came to my eyes attention. While the traffic buzzer had sounded, and every one had rushed from one end to the other in typical Auckland city crossing manner, one would of thought "it's over" but alas not so. The crossing lights change a solid red, and dead in the middle of the crossing walking at the top speed of a Turtle is a frail old man, desperately trying to get to the other side. Cars drive around the old man, and a few narrowly miss him, but to his credit he is not phased by it at all and continues until he reaches the other side.

Why is it that no one would wait for this Elderly man to get to the other side? He's paid his taxes, helped grow the country and we don't show him the respect he deserves in old age?
Is it that society has gained such a rapid pace that no one stops to help the old or smell the roses?

The pace of the biggest city in NZ has increased on a yearly basis, both in price and the constant stress people suffer to keep up with those price increases, but in all of that rush does anyone stop to look outside of their windows and reflect on everything for a second?

Not all of us can keep pace with society.

Next time you see that Elderly old man crossing the street, spare a moment for him and let him cross in peace, he's earned it, and so will you when you reach that age.

To a better world!


- Rasker

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Paranoid Android

Guys can be very paranoid can't they? Even something simple as their amasing Girlfriend playfully chatting with another woman can make them act out of place.

Take for instance....... ME, yup me, what do you expect reading Rasker's blog?
Apart from trying to shake my boring barriers for clearer skies, I'm also trying to shake a paranoia of unspeakable proportions.

Just a little over a Month and a Half ago I was blessed with a sudden message from what I at first thought was another ICQ Spam Bot trying to talk to me about Viagra. After a few nasty comments and trying to blow off the supposable bot, it became painfully obvious that this "bot" was a lot smarter than others I had encountered, mainly because it turned out to be a real person.

Shoot ahead to now, dating begun within a week and we are steadily growing together and enjoying each others company, well that is until a Paranoid Android pops up.

A "Paranoid Android" to me is when you lose all rational thought and believe that all is not as well as it seems, that something, in a moments notice will tear her away from you.

Take for instance, this amasing woman is playfully chatting to a friend on the net, and she invites you into the chat, it seems a little raunchy, but really is above board. The Android triggers off, the moment a playful remark comes into play he's off running around your head at a thousand miles an hour, planting seeds of self destruction in you plotting for your own downfall.

There is no reason to be paranoid, it just happens, then comes the "you're too good for me" and trying to get away from the conversation to find the time to get over it. The problem here is this "Android" planting these thoughts into your head, because everytime you respond to a situation in a hurt manner, you are just pushing the woman you love further and further away.

Luckily for me she's understanding and is willing to to help Rasker get through it, but for all those other guys out there unable to shake the "Paranoid Android" seek some help, it does work :o).

- Rasker



Rasker's Insanity coming from the pitts of me, to the screen of you.

To be perfectly honest I've never ever considered a Blog until today, why today we ask ourselves? Good Question, let's find out.......

Sitting at my normal boring black office chair I steer into the plain white box, contemplating my own existance in my own sub-concious. With a mighty slap to the face, it hits me, I'm boring!

Yup, that's it boring, bored with myself, bored with everything around me, so bored I'm contemplating why peanut butter is so thick.

Now with every sudden realisation comes a question "what's the solution?" being stumped by this simple and straight forward question I go searching for the answer.

A mind is a funny thing, it can either make you into a wonderful human, or crush you, keep you from fulfilling your potential. In this case, this brian has hit "SAFE MODE" you know that mode when something goes seriously wrong with your windows and it restarts in a mode that is supposably "SAFE" yes this is where my brain is at.

Many a great chance has passed me by, all due to Safe Mode for example, "let's go clubbing tonight?". Mouth wants to say yes but brain is saying "oh o, what if your car gets stolen? What if someone beats you up? What if you get mugged? what if you lose your girl to another guy?" with that, the mouth responds "NO let's not".

If you choose not to enter Windows "SAFE MODE" option, then you take the risk of your O/S being further damaged right? So there is the solution, throw caution to the wind and just do it! Disengage that safe mode and move forward get out there and be someone, always better than being a no one.

This is the beginning of Rasker's Quest to be someone.

- Rasker